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Type of Insurance
Building Type
Is the property poorly maintained or in poor condition?
Will the property ever be unoccupied for more than 100 continuous days?
Is the home under Sale / construction / renovation?
Is the property heritage listed?
Is the building mortgaged or do you require an Interested Party to be noted?
What is the construction type of the walls
What is the roof type of the home?
Windows security
Door security
Any other security/risk mitigation at the property?
Is any business conducted from the property
In the last 5 years has any insured had an insurance policy declined or cancelled by the insurer?
In the last 5 years has any insured had a claim declined?
In the last 5 years has any insured had any criminal conviction relating to fraud, theft, dishonesty, arson, or malicious damage?
Has the insured made any landlords buildings or contents claims in the last 3 years? (if yes, please provide details)
Does the insured currently have insurance for this property?
How is the property managed?
Lease type
Rental loss cover required?
Rental default cover required?
Damage by tenant cover required?
I/We agree to the Terms and Conditions

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