This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:

Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

…or something like this:

The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!

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Type of Insurance
Building Type
Is the property poorly maintained or in poor condition?
Will the property ever be unoccupied for more than 60 continuous days?
Is the home under Sale / construction / renovation?
Is the property heritage listed?
Is the building mortgaged or do you require an Interested Party to be noted?
What is the construction type of the walls

Building and Content calculator

What is the roof type of the home?
Windows security
Door security
Any other security/risk mitigation at the property? (select all that are applicable)
Is any business conducted from the property (select all that are applicable)
In the last 5 years has any insured had an insurance policy declined or cancelled by the insurer?
In the last 5 years has any insured had a claim declined?
In the last 5 years has any insured had any criminal conviction relating to fraud, theft, dishonesty, arson, or malicious damage?
Has the insured made any landlords buildings or contents claims in the last 3 years? (if yes, please provide details)
Does the insured currently have insurance for this property?
How is the property managed?
Lease type
Is the property being sublet?
Is this property part of the National Rent Affordability Scheme (NRAS) or managed by a Government/Community Welfare department?
Is the property currently occupied by a tenant?
Rental default cover required?
Damage by tenant cover required?
By submitting this page, you are confirming that all the details provided are true & correct to your best knowledge.
I/We agree to the Terms and Conditions

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